How to Reuse at Home

Here are a few ideas for making re-use some of the things around your home.

  • Re-use old envelopes – cover the name and address with a sticker or paper.
  • Re-use sheets of paper that have only been used on one side for drawing and writing on, or to make telephone pads and shopping lists.
  • Use empty plastic water or soft drink bottles as drink bottles for school.
  • Save old egg cartons, toilet rolls, and margarine and ice-cream tubs to make arts and crafts.
  • Save your plastic shopping bags and re-use them next time you go to the supermarket.
  • Cut the bottoms off milk cartons and soft drink bottles, punch some holes in them, and use them to plant seedlings.
  • You could even arrange a garage sale at your house to make some money, and let others re-use your old things.